
Adjust Your Sales Pipeline for Stronger Conversion Rates Sales Team Meeting Analytics

Adjust Your Sales Pipeline for Stronger Conversion Rates

Building a sales pipeline is an awesome step forward in bringing in more sales for your business. But there are things that you can do with a pipeline that can improve sales even more. We’ve put together a list of the things that you can do to adjust your sales pipeline for stronger conversion rates and don’t worry, they’re a lot less effort than putting the pipeline into place in the first instance.
How Do You Know Any Of This Is Working?
You call up your analytics using a package like Maralytics and you examine what your sales were like before you made the tweak and what they were like afterwards.

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Sales Audit Success – Four Critical Considerations To Take Into Account

A sales audit is an in-depth look at your sales function and how you attract prospects and convert them into customers. The result should be a comprehensive, accurate and objective evaluation of what’s working with sales, what isn’t and what you can do to drive more reliable and sustainable revenue growth.
Like many professional services, though, all sales audits aren’t created equally. If you are considering a sales audit to help you drive more revenue, create repeatable sales processes and improve the culture of your sales organisation, here are four things to consider.

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Third-Party or In-House Delivery Service: Pros and Cons

In an era of convenience, online ordering systems, self-service kiosks and mobile platforms have become key to give the customers what they crave the most: a fast, personalized and convenient food experience. With the number of digital orders on the rise, restaurants should dig into their options in terms of takeout, delivery, and other off-premises ordering methods.

Whatever you decide, it’s crucial to have as much data on your delivery operation as possible. Working with third-party delivery services can give you transparency into your sales figures, platform performance and best sellers, so you can optimize delivery, easily.

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