
Maralytics Blogs 10 Things To Consider When Selling Your Business

10 Things To Consider When Selling Your Business

By Graeme Alexander of Lightspeed. “All up, I owned my own cafe for just over four years before I sold it. When I opened it with my wife it was the culmination of our dream to be that sickly-sweet husband & wife neighbourhood operation. You know the type. It was going to be a place where everyone was happy and our impeccable family lifestyle oozed effortlessly into our workplace and covered anyone who came near with its wholesome charm. But, like the Hallmark moment outlined above, it was a fairytale.”

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Maralytics Blog 5 Marketing Platforms That Are Worth Trying

5 Marketing Platforms That Are Worth Trying

The world of online marketing has erupted with tools to simplify campaign management and automate time-consuming elements. With such an abundance of great tools to choose from, identifying the best products can be quite daunting. Here are 5 exceptionally innovative platforms that you should definitely take the time to investigate.Moving out of your comfort zone. Trying new tools can be intimidating, it requires you to adopt a degree of flexibility and a willingness to learn. Moving out of your comfort zone might just be the ultimate power move you have been meaning to make.

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Maralytics Blogs Video Versus Audio - Where Is The Trend Going?

Video Versus Audio – Where Is The Trend Going

With home internet connections moving away from metred solutions and into faster and uncapped lines; video has become an increasingly more powerful marketing medium. Along with that, the online world has always shown us that people have short attention spans, preferring content they can scan briefly or images that give them insight faster. Considering these factors, it is natural that video would soon become the top-performing medium in the online world. Maralytics Blogs Video Versus Audio – Where Is The Trend Going?
Social media users are more likely to pause and watch a short video while industries like real estate draw from the power of in-depth and panoramic video sequences to showcase properties.

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Maralytics Blogs 3 Strategies To Simplify How You Do Business Graphic 1

3 Strategies To Simplify How You Do Business

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to step into your office on a Monday morning feeling inspired, motivated, and excited for the week ahead? When you were an aspiring entrepreneur, you probably imagined more fun than what the reality is delivering. That’s because greater ownership means more responsibility. By simplifying the running of the business, you can enjoy a more significant amount of freedom while still meeting your obligations.

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Maralytics Blog Managing Your Stress Levels When Your To-Do List Is Overwhelming
Personal Development

Managing Your Stress Level when Your To-do List is Overwhelming

Managing your stress levels can be a challenge when you have a to-do list that overwhelms you. It can cause even the most organised person to feel out of control and stressed. But having too much on your plate doesn’t have to be an insurmountable problem, as long as you know how best to manage it all. Make sure to have these tips from Miriam van Heusden, an analytics expert, handy.

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Fall in Love with Your Business

It’s the Love Month, the perfect time to celebrate the success of your own company. Like every other relationship in your life, the connection between you and your business requires nurturing. You can get more joy out of your vocation when you nurture that connection. Like a life partner, you can romance your business and fall in love with it, even if you’ve been at it for many years.

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Maralytics Blogs entitled Work Less And Achieve More With These 5 Productivity Hacks

Work Less and Achieve More with These 5 Productivity Hacks

The art of being productive is not to work harder but to work smarter. So if you are working harder but less effectively, it means you are not being productive at all – and the problem is we do not realise this. Getting more done in less time seems like a dream if you are looking for quick fixes. But there are lots of strategies on top of what was shared in this blog that can be maximised to help you become more productive. The key is to understand these strategies and implement them in your life until they become a habit that will compound for you in getting the best results.

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